"If I Have Not Love"


Amber Brooks, Molly Williams and Anna Bailey lead worship with songs "Sing My Love," "You Are Glorious" and "Come Away to My Heart." Randall Worley teaches about the deeper things of God, and how to move beyond the standard protocols of religion into a real encounter with God.

The Religious Spirit


Rick Joyner teaches on 2 Sam 11:1. If it’s time for war and if you don’t go to war you will be overcome and out of God’s will. It’s time for battle right now. There are strongholds gripping many people. The Religious Spirit is the strongest, most evil and deceptive spirit today. It keeps us from loving God. It causes us to get further and further away from God. We need to see it, recognize it and win the battle against it. There is truth that will set us free.

"Re-vision for 2011"


Paulette Wooten and Molly Williams lead worship with the songs, "Bless the Lord" "We Draw Near" and "Psalm 40." Rick Joyner shares on the significance of the number '11' and how the Lord is speaking to us through this year. Rick talks about how God is bringing us back to our land, and giving us another chance.



Rick shares that the world will change during 2012. There will be a difference between those following the Lord and those who do not. Rick asked the Lord earnestly what He wanted done with the property they bought that is now Heritage International Ministries. God told him the main purpose of this church is to be a university that will teach and train disciples of Christ. Oral Roberts prayed for Rick to receive the mantle of education that had been on Oral's life. This church is also called to be a community.