MorningStar Missions


Rick Joyner-
Rick Joyner discusses the importance of Christian Education. It’s the churches responsibility to teach the truth. He also talks about being the salt and light to world, especially as a church, but also as a Nation. Rick Says we need to get ready for what is coming!

Nathan Scott-
Nathan Talks about moving into something new. If we know who we are and know who Christ is in us, we have authority to speak to the fear and shame of the future and past. Our flesh is being pealed away and we are emerging as new people.

Morning Session


Sandy Woods shares a ten-minunte message on leadership and being practical.  She also asks MFM members to support true christian education.

Nathan shares the main message that you teach what you know and teach people to learn - not just knowledge.

Tom Hardiman then shares on preparing ourselves as we wait for promises we have received from God.





Pastoring Families, A Whole New World, and Operating in True Sonship with God


Darrel Simbeck shares his experience in pastoring families in the church.

Aliss Cresswell shares on how we have to keep our eyes fixed on God, not on things the Enemy is trying to distract us with, and how Christ has extended an invitation to us to enter into a “whole new world.”

“In this whole new world there’s less control and it’s scary, but you have to let go.”